“the WORLD” - Nightmare (“Death Note” Opening Song) | Learn JP Lyrics

This Page Contains:

  1. A difficulty rating for the lesson based on speed, repetition, vocabulary, and grammar concepts [Jump]
  2. An official song clip to sing along to [Jump]
  3. A downloadable color coded PDF explaining the song’s grammar and vocabulary [Jump]
  4. Audio clips of each line in the song being spoken at a slow, understandable speed [Jump]
  5. Three separate downloadable text files of the Japanese [Jump], romanized [Jump], and English [Jump] lyrics
  6. Information about the album this song appears on [Jump]

1) Difficulty Rating

2) Song Clip

Note: If you are logged in to Spotify, it will play the entire song (you do not need a Premium account).

If you are not logged in or have no account, it will only play a 30 second clip.

3) Lesson PDF


4) Speaking Clips






広がる闇の中 交わし合った 革命の契り
Hirogaru yami no naka kawashiatta kakumei no chigiri
In the spreading darkness, the pledges of a revolution exchanged with each other

Aishita yue ni mebaeta aku no hana
A flower of evil that sprouted because of being loved

Kore kara saki otozureru de arou subete o
Everything that may come from now on[…]

Dare ni mo jama-saseru wake ni wa ikanai kara
[…]Because concerning the circumstances of letting even anyone interfere [with “everything that may come”], I can’t afford

果実が告げた未来 理性を忘れた街
Kajitsu ga tsugeta mirai risei o wasureta machi
The future told by the fruit, the town that forgot reason

黒く歪んだ現在を 夢、理想に変える
Kuroku yuganda ima o yume, risou ni kaeru
I will turn the present that was warped black into dreams, ideals

Doushite? Boku wa kowareta MESHIA?
Why? [Am] I a broken messiah?

Dare mo ga nozonda “owari” o…
[unstated verb implied as “I will give”] everyone “the end” [they] wished for…

広がる闇の中 交わし合った 革命の契り
Hirogaru yami no naka kawashiatta kakumei no chigiri
In the spreading darkness, the pledges of a revolution exchanged with each other

Aishita yue ni mebaeta aku no hana
A flower of evil that sprouted because of being loved

Kore kara saki otozureru de arou subete o
Everything that may come from now on[…]

Dare ni mo jama-saseru wake ni wa ikanai
[…]Because concerning the circumstances of letting even anyone interfere [with “everything that may come”], I can’t afford

Itsuka boku ga misete-ageru
Someday, I will show [you]…

Hikari kagayaku sora o
[…]a sky shining with light

Doushite? Boku wa kowareta meshia?
Why? [Am] I a broken messiah?

Dare mo ga yumemita “rakuen” o…
[unstated verb implied as “I will give”] everyone “the paradise” [they] dreamed of (saw in a dream)…

広がる闇の中 交わし合った 革命の契り
Hirogaru yami no naka kawashiatta kakumei no chigiri
In the spreading darkness, the pledges of a revolution exchanged with each other

Aishita yue ni mebaeta aku no hana
A flower of evil that sprouted because of being loved

Kore kara saki otozureru de arou subete o
Everything that may come from now on[…]

Dare ni mo jama-saseru wake ni wa ikanai
[…]Because concerning the circumstances of letting even anyone interfere [with “everything that may come”], I can’t afford

Itsuka boku ga misete-ageru
Someday, I will show [you]…

Hikari kagayaku sekai o
[…]a world shining with light

5a) Japanese Lyrics

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5b) Romanized Lyrics

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5c) Literal Translation

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6) Album Info

Artist: Nightmare / ナイトメア
Vocalist: YOMI
Album: The World Ruler
Genre: Anime OST, J-Rock
