“Shuuen no Campanella” - ELYSION
This Page Contains:
- A difficulty rating for the lesson based on speed, repetition, vocabulary, and grammar concepts [Jump]
- An official song clip to sing along to [Jump]
- A downloadable color coded PDF explaining the song’s grammar and vocabulary [Jump]
- Audio clips of each line in the song being spoken at a slow, understandable speed [Jump]
- Three separate downloadable text files of the Japanese [Jump], romanized [Jump], and English [Jump] lyrics
- Information about the album this song appears on [Jump]
1) Difficulty Rating
2) Song Clip
3) Lesson PDF
4) Speaking Clips
終焉のカンパネラShuuen no KANPANERA
Campanella of Demise
朝も夜も此処には在らず asa mo yoru mo koko ni wa arazu
Concerning here, it is without having morning or night
罪を数え視界は回るtsumi o kazoe shikai wa mawaru
Sins are counted and the scene turns
くらりくらり揺られてkurari kurari yurarete
Dizzyingly, dizzyingly swung and
ふらりふらり吹かれて furari furari fukarete
Aimlessly, aimlessly blown and
くらりくらり揺られてkurari kurari yurarete
Dizzyingly, dizzyingly swung and
ふらりふらり吹かれて furari furari fukarete
Aimlessly, aimlessly blown and
やがて枯れた生身の身体yagate kareta namami no karada
Finally the bodies of living flesh have withered
人間(ヒト)を迷い静かに眠る hito o mayoi shizuka ni nemuru
People (humans) are restless and quietly sleeping
くらりくらり揺られてkurari kurari yurarete
Dizzyingly, dizzyingly swung and
ふらりふらり吹かれてfurari furari fukarete
Aimlessly, aimlessly blown and
くらりくらり揺られてkurari kurari yurarete
Dizzyingly, dizzyingly swung and
ふらりふらり吹かれてfurari furari fukarete
Aimlessly, aimlessly blown and
Was caused to fall[…]
青く深い嘆きの底へとaoku fukai nageki no soko e to
[…]gloomily toward the deep bottom of grief[…]
辿り着いた黄泉へとこの手で裁く tadori tsuita Yomi e to kono te de sabaku
[…]to Yomi that was finally reached, [the humans] will be judged by my hand
私の元に跪き watashi no moto ni hizamazuki
Kneel before me and
その手で懺悔と許しを sono te de zange to yurushi o
With that hand, [unstated verb implied as “take”] repentance and forgiveness
時を刻む秒針は終焉へ進みゆくji o kizamu byoushin wa shuuen e susumiyuku
The second hand is going to continue carving out the time toward demise
慈愛の囁きを与え jiai no sasayaki o atae
I will give whispers of affection and
救いの憐れみに抱かれ sukui no awaremi ni idakare
[The humans] will be embraced in the mercy of salvation and
今あなたを導いてくima anata o michbiiteku
Now I am going to guide you[…]
終幕の苑へshuumaku no sono e
[…]to the garden of the end
[it] was heard
羽根を広げて永遠の苑へとhane o hirogete towa no sono e to
Spread [your] wings and [unstated verb implied as “go”] to the eternal garden
全能なる神への誓いを捧げ zennou naru kami e no chikai o sasage
Offer an oath to God who is almighty
私の元に跪き watashi no moto ni hizamazuki
Kneel before me and
その手で懺悔と許しを sono te de zange to yurushi o
With that hand, [unstated verb implied as “take”] repentance and forgiveness
時を刻む秒針は終焉へ進みゆくtoki o kizamu byoushin wa shuuen e susumi-yuku
The second hand is going to continue carving out the time toward demise
不完の永遠を与え fukan no eien o atae
I will give you an incomplete eternity and
憂いの眼差しで見つめurei no manazashi de mitsume
Gaze with a look of sorrow
今あなたへ鳴り止まぬ ima anata e nari yamanu
Now the echoing around you will not cease of the[…]
黄泉のカンパネラ Yomi no KANPANERA
[…]campanella of Yomi
裁きの元に誓い sabaki no moto ni chikai
Pledge before judgement and
終幕の苑へ shuumaku no sono e
[unstated verb implied as “go”] to the garden of the end
5a) Japanese Lyrics
5b) Romanized Lyrics
5c) Literal Translation
6) Album Info
Artist: ELYSION (エリシオン)
Vocalist: BIDOH (美堂)
Album: Shuuen no Campanella [Type A] (終焉のカンパネラ 【Type A】)
Genre: J-Rock